Camping en Seine maritime » Contact, directions

Contact and access

    Contact us

    For further information or to plan your stay, please do not hesitate to contact our team at Camping de la Seine.

    Whether you have a question about our services, want to make a reservation, or need any other information, we’re here to help.

    You can reach us directly by phone on, by e-mail at, or via our contact form on our website.

    We promise to get back to you as quickly as possible to ensure the best possible customer experience.

    Coming to the campsite

    Our campsite is located at 2699 route du conihout, 76480 Jumieges, well served and accessible via major roads.

    Geolocation: 49.412125574950224, 0.8120227921234272.

    Located in the heart of the beautiful Normandy region, close to Rouen, our campsite is the ideal place for nature and history lovers.

    Discover our services, our wellness area and our rates!